Veterinary Anatomy in VR

The Veterinary Anatomy in VR project is a collaboration between the Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine and the ARIES program at University Libraries. Anatomy students in the Veterinary Medicine program are in need of more opportunities to practice with models of skeletal and soft tissue anatomical models, particularly outside the laboratory. The current project has been developed in the Unreal Engine and provides practice via both desktop VR and immersive, headset-based VR. Additionally, a Web-based version is in development that will offer a desktop and headset experience via the Web. The intent is to share the work as an open-source project such that other researchers and educators can add to or modify the content. Students from a diverse range of academic disciplines are building the project through the ARIES program, including Veterinary Medicine students, Visual Arts students, and Computer Science students.
- Lucas Freeman
- Nayha Pochiraju
Applied Research in Immersive Experiences and Simulations, University Libraries