Lightmare - An Immersive Exploration of Dreams and Nightmares

Lightmare is a game revolving around a sort of dream worker who is referred to as “Light.” Light is not a unique character, but rather an entity responsible for our dreams. Misfortune (an entity responsible for nightmares) comes and wreaks havoc on the dream world, so it is Light’s responsibility to maintain the peace. The player, playing as Light, must navigate from dream to dream, either progressing through the dream as normal or restoring order where Misfortune has struck by solving puzzles, completing challenges, and defeating enemies. All of this is achieved in the Unity Game Engine, using supplementary technologies such as (but not limited to) Mixamo and Blender.
The link will take you to a Google Drive Folder where you can download a .zip file for either Mac or Windows machines, as well as our Preview Video. To play the game on Windows, open the folder and select "CS4644_Lightmare.exe" to play the game.
The download link is a folder containing builds for our game, and I've attached instructions to the Windows version of it in our description. The Mac build should contain a README in the folder of the zip.
- Jonathan Carter
- Justin Szajek
- Tim Beliveau
- Jacob McCleery
CS 4644, Creative Computing (Group A)