Movement and Media

Students of the class UH 3504 Movement and Media present their collaborative, interdisciplinary projects working with technologies such as motion capture, spatial audio, and artificial intelligence.
In this pilot course, students from around the university studied the history and aesthetics of art-making at the intersection of movement and contemporary media technologies. They bravely dove into crash courses in contemporary movement practices and cutting-edge media technologies. Bringing together their diverse disciplinary perspectives, they worked in small collaborative teams of 2-3 to playfully engage with these technologies and reflect on what they had learned.
- School of Visual Arts
- School of Performing Arts
- University Honors
- Zach Duer, College of Architecture and Urban Studies, Creative Technologies
- Katie Smith, Pamplin College of Business, Marketing Virginia Tech - Pamplin College of Business
- Anthony Tran, College of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
- Jami Walters, College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences
- Juliette Shore, College of Science, Neuroscience
- Sydney Luttazi, College of Science, Psychology
- Justin Laiti, Virginia Tech
- Scotty Hardwig, College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences, School of Performing Arts