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How healthcare organizations integrate AI tools into practice

How healthcare organizations integrate AI tools into practice
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Have you ever wondered why your living room has more “smart” technology than your doctor’s office? You’re not alone! Our human-centered research examines how healthcare organizations work to integrate new AI tools into healthcare, with the aim of improving the process. We can’t wait to show you how!

Our team of researchers works with clinicians to understand clinical challenges and improve technology used in healthcare. If not integrated effectively, medical technology can actually make it harder for clinicians to care for patients. AI technology is no different. To address this, we are engaging in translational and human-centered research to figure out how healthcare institutions can improve the way they evaluate AI tools before buying and integrating them.


  • Institute for Creativity, Arts, and Technology
  • Fralin Biomedical Research Institute at Virginia Tech, Carilion


  • Stephanie Tulk Jesso, ICAT, Fralin Biomedical Research Institute at VTC  
  • Aisling Kelliher, College of Engineering, Computer Science
  • Thomas Martin, ICAT, Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Sarah Henrickson Parker, Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine  
  • Department of Health Systems and Implementation Science