Immersive Virtual Environment

Over the last few years, Roanoke, VA, has faced increasing flooding challenges due to storms with high rainfall rates over short periods. To address these challenges, this project is pioneering an immersive flooding simulation using Virtual Reality (VR) technology to assess community risk perception and psychological impact. The goals of this project are to develop 1) virtual digital twin models that visualize the flooding impacts related to climate change, 2) an effective risk communication platform for local communities and planning professionals, and 3) an interactive engagement workshop toolkit for collaborative resilience planning. Throughout this project, the digital twin city model will serve as a tool for civic engagement, providing valuable feedback for planning and decision-making processes. This immersive visualization technology will enable local communities to better understand future climate change disaster risks, facilitating more effective evacuation decision-making.
Midterm report
Project goals and objectives
Our research team will develop 1) immersive virtual digital twin models that visualize the flooding impacts related to climate change, 2) an effective risk communication platform for local communities and planning professionals, and 3) an interactive engagement workshop toolkit for collaborative resilience planning. Throughout this project, a digital twin city model can serve as a tool for civic engagement, providing significant feedback for the planning decision-making processes. Immersive visualization technology allows local communities to better understand future climate change disaster risks, leading to effective evacuation decision-making. Professionals and municipalities can establish an effective resilience plan by prioritizing stormwater management. Lastly, community perspectives lay the groundwork for bottom-up resilience planning, inducing an immediate response to future flooding.
Timeline for this project
Phase 1 (July 2024 - December 2024): 1) Create 2D flooding-impacted area maps with flooding scenarios, 2) Create a digital twin model of the city and apply an interactive simulation, 3) Develop workshop materials (e.g., surveys, maps) and workshop programs.
Phase 2 (Jan 2025 – February 2025): 1) Obtain IRB approval for community workshop data collection. 2) Conduct a pilot workshop with VT students and faculty.
Phase 3 (February 2025 – June 2025): 1) Implement community workshops, 2) Generate summary reports for the results of the workshops, 3) Host an exhibition for VR user experience and create graphic posters for the project summary at an ICAT exhibition event.
Progress to Date
Milestones Achieved
Flooding prediction model: A 2D flood prediction model for Downtown Roanoke has been produced to simulate flood scenarios for 2-year, 5-year, 10-year, 25-year, 50-year, and 100-year events using the hydrological modeling software "PCSWMM."
3D digital twin model: Our team has completed to create a digital twin model of Roanoke City using “CityEngine” and “Blender”.
Community Engagement Workshop Design: The design for the community engagement workshop has been completed, including a survey designed to address our research goals and objectives.
Activities Undertaken
3D flooding simulation: Based on the digital twin model, the overlaid hydrological model is being developed to feature an interactive 3D flooding simulation.
Connecting with Active Communities: We aim to engage with active communities interested in flooding issues in the Downtown Roanoke area. Recruitment will be facilitated through Downtown Roanoke Inc. and The Market Building Foundation.
Arranging Workshop Space: We are exploring potential venues for the community engagement workshop, such as the Virginia Tech Roanoke Center or the Market Square Building (Charter Hall).
IRB process: The IRB documentation for the review has been completed and will soon be submitted to the IRB reviewers.
External Grant Submission: Our grant proposal has been submitted to the Bob Cardoza CLASS Fund Research Grant through CELA (the Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture)
Activities Plan
Pilot Study: Conduct a pilot workshop with VT students and faculty.
Conducting the Community Engagement Workshop: The workshop is tentatively scheduled for March 5, 2025.
Sharing Project Findings: The findings from this project will be presented at major conferences, such as the Engagement Scholarship Consortium International Conference.
Exhibition Hosting: Our research team plans to host an exhibition showcasing the interactive flooding visualization both within and beyond Virginia Tech.
Developing an Interactive Visualization Model: We will create an interactive immersive visualization model simulating local flooding using an open-standard 3D model. Following the community engagement workshop, the simulation will be made available online.
- Engaging K-12 Students: During events like the Virginia Tech Science Festival and Kids' Tech University, our research team will present local flooding issues to raise awareness about the risks of flooding in their communities.