Tanner Upthegrove
Tanner Upthegrove, MFA in Spatial Audio and Technical Direction, CTS, thrives at the intersection of arts and technology as Immersive Audio Specialist for Virginia Tech's Institute for Creativity, Arts, and Technology. Tanner designs audiovisual systems with a focus on networked technologies. Tanner designs sound for multichannel audio systems integrating wireless tracking systems and Internet of Things (IoT) data. Tanner has facilitated several telematic concerts, connecting geographically distant participants across North America. Tanner has presented spatial audio at the Audio Engineering Society, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, the International Congress on Sound and Vibration and Moogfest. Tanner is published by the AES, the IEEE, and the Computer Music Journal. Tanner has collaborated with Sound Artist Stephen Vitiello, and Trey Spruance of Secret Chiefs 3.
Article Item
- tag: Creativity + Innovation
- tag: School of Visual Arts
- tag: Lucas Freeman
- tag: Arts
- tag: Amplifying the Arts
- tag: Phat Nguyen
- tag: Mini SEAD Grant
- tag: Experience Studio
- tag: College of Architecture and Urban Studies
- tag: Creative Technologies
- tag: Ani Mittra
- tag: Tanner Upthegrove
- tag: ICAT Project
Article Item
- tag: Center for Humanities
- tag: Education
- tag: University-Libraries
- tag: Arts
- tag: Tyechia Thompson
- tag: Civil and Environmental Engineering
- tag: Mini SEAD Grant
- tag: Chris Miller
- tag: Humanities
- tag: Music
- tag: Freddy Paige
- tag: The Cube
- tag: Re-Imagining Education
- tag: Tanner Upthegrove
- tag: College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences
- tag: ICAT Project
Article Item
- tag: Arts
- tag: Institute for Critical Technology and Applied Science
- tag: Major SEAD Grant
- tag: Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Center
- tag: Phyllis Newbill
- tag: Cinema
- tag: Science
- tag: School of Performing Arts
- tag: Humanities
- tag: Designing a Sustainable World
- tag: Earth Science
- tag: Jessica Robinson
- tag: Justin Perkinson
- tag: Tanner Upthegrove
- tag: Matthew Hull
- tag: College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences
- tag: Making Big Discoveries with Immersive Technology
- tag: George Hardebeck
- tag: ICAT Project
- tag: Jess Jones
General ItemTransforming Highway Construction Training through Multi-User Immersive Augmented Virtual Reality
A project taking highway construction worker training to the next level and bridging the gap in traditional worker training methods. The project will develop innovative content-based Augmented VR training that enables a seamless training experience for the workers.
- tag: Education
- tag: Computer Science
- tag: Major SEAD Grant
- tag: University-Libraries
- tag: Nazila Roofigari-Esfahan
- tag: Humanities
- tag: Engineering
- tag: David Hicks
- tag: College of Engineering
- tag: Todd Ogle
- tag: College of Architecture and Urban Studies
- tag: Myers-Lawson School of Building Construction
- tag: School of Education
- tag: Tanner Upthegrove
- tag: College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences
- tag: Construction
- tag: Making Big Discoveries with Immersive Technology
- tag: ICAT Project
General Item
- tag: Koeun Choi
- tag: Jia Dong
- tag: Major SEAD Grant
- tag: Myounghoon Jeon Philart
- tag: Phyllis Newbill
- tag: Amplifying the Arts
- tag: Julia Ricci
- tag: Levern Currie
- tag: Shuqi Yu
- tag: Devanshu Vajir
- tag: Jisun Kim
- tag: Engaging Community
- tag: Re-Imagining Education
- tag: Tanner Upthegrove
- tag: Making Big Discoveries with Immersive Technology
- tag: ICAT Project
- tag: Ariana Wyatt
- tag: Chelsea Lyles
General Item
- tag: School of Visual Arts
- tag: David Franusich
- tag: Major SEAD Grant
- tag: Lisa McNair
- tag: Dushan Boroyevich
- tag: Department of Human Nutrition, Food, and Exercise
- tag: Bridging Physical Distance
- tag: Amplifying the Arts
- tag: Hiromi Okumura
- tag: College of Engineering
- tag: Engaging Community
- tag: Julia Basso
- tag: Tanner Upthegrove
- tag: Making Big Discoveries with Immersive Technology
- tag: ICAT Project
General Item
- tag: Department of Computer Science
- tag: Empowering Data
- tag: Human Development and Family Science
- tag: Department of Human Nutrition, Food, and Exercise
- tag: Amplifying the Arts
- tag: Mini SEAD Grant
- tag: Joanna Culligan
- tag: Engaging Community
- tag: Tanner Upthegrove
- tag: Tianyu Ge
- tag: Re-Imagining Education
- tag: Trish Winters
- tag: ICAT Project
Article Item
Article Item
- tag: Creativity + Innovation
- tag: School of Visual Arts
- tag: Arts
- tag: College of Science
- tag: Zach Duer
- tag: Science
- tag: Earth Science
- tag: The Cube
- tag: College of Architecture and Urban Studies
- tag: Geosciences
- tag: Creative Technologies
- tag: Tanner Upthegrove
- tag: Re-Imagining Education
- tag: George Hardebeck
- tag: Michelle Stocker
Article Item
- tag: School of Visual Arts
- tag: Arts
- tag: Thomas Tucker
- tag: Amplifying the Arts
- tag: Moss Arts Center
- tag: Design
- tag: Architecture
- tag: Music
- tag: Creativity + Innovation District
- tag: Kevin Ayoub
- tag: College of Architecture and Urban Studies
- tag: Moss Arts Center
- tag: Tanner Upthegrove
- tag: George Hardebeck
- tag: Doug Witney
Article ItemAn Educational Tool to Explore the Dynamics of Subatomic Physics Interactions , article
A project seeking to develop a new immersive educational tool for experimental subatomic physics using a virtual reality (visuals and sound) world in the ICAT Cube.
- tag: Education
- tag: Computer Science
- tag: College of Science
- tag: Physics
- tag: Engineering
- tag: School of Education
- tag: Creative Technologies
- tag: Re-Imagining Education
- tag: Creativity + Innovation
- tag: Department of Computer Science
- tag: School of Visual Arts
- tag: Arts
- tag: Jesse Barber
- tag: Science
- tag: Humanities
- tag: George Glasson
- tag: Nicholas Polys
- tag: Todd Ogle
- tag: The Cube
- tag: College of Architecture and Urban Studies
- tag: Physics
- tag: Tanner Upthegrove
- tag: Leo Piilonen
- tag: College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences
- tag: Making Big Discoveries with Immersive Technology
- tag: Dane Webster
Article Item
Article Item
- tag: Institute for Critical Technology and Applied Science
- tag: Arts
- tag: Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Center
- tag: Phyllis Newbill
- tag: Cinema
- tag: School of Performing Arts
- tag: Science
- tag: Humanities
- tag: Designing a Sustainable World
- tag: Jessica Robinson
- tag: Earth Science
- tag: Justin Perkinson
- tag: Matthew Hull
- tag: Tanner Upthegrove
- tag: College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences
- tag: George Hardebeck
- tag: Making Big Discoveries with Immersive Technology
- tag: Jess Jones
Article Item
- tag: Center for Humanities
- tag: Education
- tag: University-Libraries
- tag: Arts
- tag: Tyechia Thompson
- tag: Civil and Environmental Engineering
- tag: Chris Miller
- tag: Humanities
- tag: Music
- tag: Freddy Paige
- tag: The Cube
- tag: Tanner Upthegrove
- tag: Re-Imagining Education
- tag: College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences
General Item
- tag: School of Visual Arts
- tag: David Franusich
- tag: Lisa McNair
- tag: Dushan Boroyevich
- tag: Department of Human Nutrition, Food, and Exercise
- tag: Bridging Physical Distance
- tag: Amplifying the Arts
- tag: Hiromi Okumura
- tag: College of Engineering
- tag: Engaging Community
- tag: Julia Basso
- tag: Tanner Upthegrove
- tag: Making Big Discoveries with Immersive Technology
General Item
- tag: Department of Computer Science
- tag: Empowering Data
- tag: Human Development and Family Science
- tag: Department of Human Nutrition, Food, and Exercise
- tag: Engaging Community
- tag: Amplifying the Arts
- tag: Tianyu Ge
- tag: Tanner Upthegrove
- tag: Re-Imagining Education
- tag: Trish Winters
- tag: Joanna Culligan
Article Item
- tag: Arts
- tag: Bridging Physical Distance
- tag: Dwight Bigler
- tag: School of Performing Arts
- tag: Jason Crafton
- tag: Ico Bukvic
- tag: Mathias Elmer
- tag: Brandon Hale
- tag: Annie Stevens
- tag: Performing Arts
- tag: Derek Shapiro
- tag: Tanner Upthegrove
- tag: ICAT Project
- tag: Ariana Wyatt
- tag: Brian Thorsett
Article Item
- tag: School of Visual Arts
- tag: Arts
- tag: Thomas Tucker
- tag: Amplifying the Arts
- tag: Mini SEAD Grant
- tag: Design
- tag: Moss Arts Center
- tag: Architecture
- tag: Music
- tag: Creativity + Innovation District
- tag: Kevin Ayoub
- tag: College of Architecture and Urban Studies
- tag: Moss Arts Center
- tag: Tanner Upthegrove
- tag: George Hardebeck
- tag: ICAT Project
- tag: Doug Witney
Article ItemAn Educational Tool to Explore the Dynamics of Subatomic Physics Interactions , article
A project seeking to develop a new immersive educational tool for experimental subatomic physics using a virtual reality (visuals and sound) world in the ICAT Cube.
- tag: Education
- tag: Computer Science
- tag: Major SEAD Grant
- tag: College of Science
- tag: Physics
- tag: Engineering
- tag: School of Education
- tag: Creative Technologies
- tag: Re-Imagining Education
- tag: Creativity + Innovation
- tag: Department of Computer Science
- tag: School of Visual Arts
- tag: Arts
- tag: Jesse Barber
- tag: Science
- tag: Humanities
- tag: George Glasson
- tag: Nicholas Polys
- tag: Todd Ogle
- tag: The Cube
- tag: College of Architecture and Urban Studies
- tag: Physics
- tag: Tanner Upthegrove
- tag: Leo Piilonen
- tag: College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences
- tag: Making Big Discoveries with Immersive Technology
- tag: ICAT Project
- tag: Dane Webster
Article Item
- tag: Arts
- tag: Amplifying the Arts
- tag: Eric Lyon
- tag: Mini SEAD Grant
- tag: School of Performing Arts
- tag: Performing Arts
- tag: The Cube
- tag: Moss Arts Center
- tag: Tanner Upthegrove
- tag: College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences
- tag: Making Big Discoveries with Immersive Technology
- tag: ICAT Project
- tag: Willie Caldwell
Article Item
- tag: Creativity + Innovation
- tag: School of Visual Arts
- tag: Arts
- tag: College of Science
- tag: Zach Duer
- tag: Mini SEAD Grant
- tag: Science
- tag: Earth Science
- tag: The Cube
- tag: College of Architecture and Urban Studies
- tag: Creative Technologies
- tag: Geosciences
- tag: Re-Imagining Education
- tag: Tanner Upthegrove
- tag: George Hardebeck
- tag: ICAT Project
- tag: Michelle Stocker
General ItemTransforming Highway Construction Training through Multi-User Immersive Augmented Virtual Reality
A project taking highway construction worker training to the next level and bridging the gap in traditional worker training methods. The project will develop innovative content-based Augmented VR training that enables a seamless training experience for the workers.
- tag: Education
- tag: Computer Science
- tag: University-Libraries
- tag: Nazila Roofigari-Esfahan
- tag: Humanities
- tag: Engineering
- tag: David Hicks
- tag: College of Engineering
- tag: Todd Ogle
- tag: College of Architecture and Urban Studies
- tag: Myers-Lawson School of Building Construction
- tag: School of Education
- tag: Tanner Upthegrove
- tag: College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences
- tag: Construction
- tag: Making Big Discoveries with Immersive Technology
General Item
- tag: Koeun Choi
- tag: Jia Dong
- tag: Myounghoon Jeon Philart
- tag: Phyllis Newbill
- tag: Amplifying the Arts
- tag: Julia Ricci
- tag: Shuqi Yu
- tag: Levern Currie
- tag: Devanshu Vajir
- tag: Jisun Kim
- tag: Engaging Community
- tag: Tanner Upthegrove
- tag: Re-Imagining Education
- tag: Making Big Discoveries with Immersive Technology
- tag: Chelsea Lyles
- tag: Ariana Wyatt