
Public memories like festivals, celebrations, and even tragic incidents are the core of creating history. Taken on the spot where they happened, they can be used to reconstruct the real scenes if put together. However, as time goes on, these valuable memories get buried within piles of other mixed and unrelated memories in the creator's private spaces such as social media accounts. Plemory is a museum-like crowd-sourced repository of public memories archivable and accessible by place and time. Plemory moves to a more geo-event-focused content aggregation and presentation rather than the dominating people-focused social networks. It’s a platform that allows people to record the history as it happens and let it live where it happened through a mobile application. Those memories can later be navigated and interacted with in a time-machine style. The move away from social relationships, as the center of content sharing networks like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok, to events and places can also promote a better level of privacy and security as content is created with a focus on public events and availability for everyone without the need for social connections.