Bringing Fossils Back to Life

Paleontology is the definition of interdisciplinary research, having always resided at the intersection of biology and geology to understand the remains of past life, as well as how their distributions across geographic areas evolved through time. Today’s paleontologists also incorporate tools from chemistry, engineering, and art in order to fully visualize that past life. Because fossils create excitement for STEM research, paleontology has taken on the role of a ‘gateway science’, drawing the public in to other STEM fields, and therefore has become a vehicle for creative, interactive outreach experiences. This project seeks to develop an immersive visual and aural paleontological experience in the Cube using data visualization based on anatomical, geochemical, and sedimentary data in order to recreate the animals and their environment.
ICAT 2016-2017 Mini Sead Grant
ICAT Center
- ICAT Project
ICAT Project
General ItemThe Cube
The Cube is a highly adaptable space for research and experimentation in big data exploration, immersive environments, intimate performances, audio and visual installations, and experiential investigations of all types.
General ItemThe Cube
The Cube is a highly adaptable space for research and experimentation in big data exploration, immersive environments, intimate performances, audio and visual installations, and experiential investigations of all types.