The Recursions of Escher: Between Art and Science

One of the goals that ICAT wants to achieve is to forge a pathway between transdisciplinary research and artistic output, scientic and commercial discovery, and educational innovation. In our project we are planning to achieve ICAT goals by provide an artwork that users can learn from it, collaborate in the artwork while the artwork tries to response to user's mood.
Our project is inspired by the famous artist, M.C. Escher [1]. M.C Escher is a graphic artist known for his mathematically inspired artwork. Virtual Reality(VR) can provide a unique medium where users can navigate VR spaces and explore how this renowned artist created his paintings. Though our project, users will learn how to create tiles and 3-dimensional forms inside the VR environment and will be able to share their creations with other users to collaboratively design complex Escher-like paintings. By exploring the ideas of recursion and tiling users will be immersed in an artistic world inspired by M.C. Escher.
Collaboration inside Artwork in VR
While we explore the math and logic behind Escher's work and dierent tools to generate artwork such as Escher, we hope to determine the kinds of collaboration that make sense inside artworks in VR.
Aective response inside Artwork in VR
Our physiological responses can be used as an input to change the mood of the artwork to reect the users' mood. In our project we want to explore dierent physiological responses such as respiration, heart rate, blood volume pressure and skin temperature as input to manipulate the artwork surrounding the users inside the VR environment.