PROS: Performances to Reduce Online Scams

The goal of the "Performances to Reduce Online Scams (PROS)" project is to collect data directly from older adults and offer them targeted assistance in the form of an interactive theater play in order to prevent online scams.

Led by Dr. Katalin Parti, an assistant professor in the Department of Sociology at Virginia Tech (Dr. Parti was awarded the European Safety and Prevention Award for translating academic research results into practice in order to tackle cyberbullying in K-12 schools), team-members include Dr. Pamela B. Teaster, a professor and the director of the Center for Gerontology at Virginia Tech, Susanna Rinehart, an associate professor of performance at the School of Performing Arts at Virginia Tech, and Charles Dye an assistant professor of Cinema Production in VT's School of Performing Arts.

With major funding from Virginia Tech's Institute for Creativity, Arts and Technology, this project began in the Spring of 2021, with the goal of conducting performances in Spring 2022.