3D Printing Flexible Textile Structures

The DREAMS Lab together with Negar Kalantar and Alireza Borhani have collaborated on researching Flexible Textile Structures with 3D Printed fabrics. Flexible textile structures is an exploration into printed fabrics. The prototypes were generated by Rhino, Grasshopper and SolidWorks CAD softwares and fabricated with two additive manufacturing approaches, Powder Bed Fusion Process and Fused Deposition Modeling Process. The main design goal is designing a fabric that has both flexibility and rigidity. The fabric can be easily manipulated into a fixed shape due to interference among the links of the printed textile. This research has potential applications in several domains such as medical, textile and fashion industries.
Participating in the 3D Printshow at NYC
The group has been invited to attend and present the result of research at the 3D Printshow and involve in a very high profile panel discussing material development in the field of 3D printed and computational fashion in New York in February 12-15. 3D Printshow brings together the biggest names in 3D printing technology alongside the most creative, exciting and innovative individuals using additive processes today.
ICAT sponsored the team for attending the New York 3D Printshow since the research was aligned with the mission of ICAT to promote new trans-disciplinary research domains that transcend institutionalized boundaries between science, engineering, art, and design.
Dr. Christopher Williams
Negar Kalanatar
Alireza Borhani
3D printing
Flexible Textile Structures