Embodied Art

The overarching goal of Embodied Art is to build an immersive environment that combines cutting-edge science with dance, music, and visual art. This environment will enable performers to experience their brain and body physiology through interactive free-play experiences. Embodied Art hopes to cultivate an understanding of how the human body and art interact bidirectionally; that is, how an artist’s body can produce art that can affect their health. Participants will wear caps that record brain activity (electroencephalography) and motion capture markers in the immersive environment. Brain activity and movement will be recorded simultaneously and transformed into different sounds in real-time. Movement will also be visualized through unique projections in The Cube. The project will consist of two main deliverables: 1) a research study examining how art and interactive free play affect momentary feelings and emotions; and 2) a public performance in The Cube of two dancers interacting with this immersive technology.