Major SEAD Grant
Maximum Award: $40,000
Submission Due Date
February 3, 2025 (Midnight EST)
Awards Announced
March 21, 2025
Funding available on or after August 1, 2025
Please make sure to read the information under each tab below.
The Virginia Tech Institute for Creativity, Arts, and Technology (ICAT) advances research, innovation, and education by bringing together faculty and students across disciplines; providing funding, space, support, and expertise; and building mutually beneficial partnerships beyond campus.
We invite proposals for projects that are creative, innovative, and show strong potential to advance the goals of ICAT and its partners. You know that “back-of-the-mind”, risky idea you can’t get out of your head – the one that may change the world? That’s what we’re looking for.
Grants can be used for transdisciplinary activities, including creative projects, feasibility studies, and preliminary research. We hope that projects will grow into larger initiatives, performances, exhibitions, or events that are visible at a national or international level.
GRANTS AVAILABLE - up to $40,000
Across the research areas noted above, the following categories of grants are available. Please note that by selecting a grant category on the cover sheet and Google drive that it will NOT preclude you from being considered for other categories during the review process. We’ll see if your proposal would be a better fit in another category, but please pick one as your first choice.
General Project:
Open Call for SEAD Projects – up to $25,000
ICAT will fund several transdisciplinary projects, pilot/feasibility studies, and preliminary research. We’re looking for project teams that involve two or more of the research areas listed in this document. Project duration should be set for one year, beginning July 2025. And keep in mind that failure IS an option here, so take a chance on something big… something great.
In addition to the open category, we have partnered with other organizations with particular interests within the Research Areas listed below.
Special Project 1
Creativity, Empathy, and AI – up to $40,000
The Sanghani Center for Artificial Intelligence & Data Analytics and ICAT seek proposals that focus on the potential of Arts and Design to partner with and expand the reach of generative AI. Some of the areas of interest include (but are not limited to):
- Deploying AI in creative and empathetic education and experiential learning
- Partnering with AI to advance the frontier of artistic and design practice
- Using AI to map the history of technology and art interaction
- Developing AI in immersive environments for areas such as simulation and training
- Understanding How Artists Navigate AI Tools: Comfort Zones, Resistance, and Adaptation
- Synthetic Media as a New Canvas, and how they can be used in Film, Music, and Digital Storytelling
Special Project 2
Innovation Campus Partnership – up to $40,000
The Innovation Campus (IC) and the Institute for Creativity Arts and Technology (ICAT) are seeking proposals that will take advantage of their respective facilities (the Cube at ICAT and the new Immersive Innovation Lab at the IC) to bring together the focus areas of the IC with the focus areas of ICAT. Specific areas of interest include 1) intelligent interfaces and 2) interactive / immersive environments although any area of convergence will be considered. The outputs of this project might include papers, installations, performances, and proposals for larger funding.
Special Project 3
ArtX (Art Exchange) with CIRMMT – up to $12,000 ($6,000 for the Virginia Tech team, and $6,000 for the CIRMMT team)
As part of the ICAT and the VT Office of Outreach and International Affairs ArtX program, ICAT and The Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Music Media and Technology (CIRMMT – at McGill University invite proposals for collaborative research between the two institutes on topics of interest of both parties.
The goal of this initial funding is to grow the connection between a team of faculty at each of the two universities. Proposed projects should involve artistic and scientific/technological innovation. Project outputs could result in papers, exhibits, and performances to be presented at both institutions. It is expected that that the proposed budget will include travel between the two institutions for Virginia Tech faculty. A minimum of two trips every three months between the two institutions is expected over the course of the project. Teams for this project may include multiple faculty members or a single faculty collaborating with CIRMMT faculty.
Before submitting a full proposal, interested faculty should provide an expression of interest by COB on February 3. Funding for the McGill faculty portion of the project will come from CIRMMT.
The expression of interest can be emailed to Melissa Wyers at and should include:
- Faculty name(s), title(s), and home department(s)
- Links to VT team member websites and/or biographies (to send to CIRMMT Faculty)
- Statement of a broad area related to arts integrated research that the full proposal would explore.
- Proposals could, but are not require to, link directly to CIRMMT’s Research Axes
All faculty members at Virginia Tech are invited to submit an application for a faculty lead project team.
We’re looking for teams comprised of faculty from at least two different fields, with preference given to projects that include PIs from two or more colleges.
ICAT celebrates the critical importance of diverse teams of scholars. We want to encourage the diversity of our research teams as much as we can. ICAT is dedicated to InclusiveVT — serving in the spirit of community, diversity, and excellence to create a community that nurtures learning and growth for all of its members. See Virginia Tech’s Principles of Community ( for more information.
In some instances, ICAT can provide the space and team members in support of SEAD projects for the duration of the project award year.
As part of your proposal, please highlight if you are requesting:
Assistance from ICAT staff
ICAT specialists can become project team members for approved projects. ICAT specialists can support projects using various facets of the Cube, including spatialized sound, immersive environments, visualization, and motion capture.
ICAT Studios
ICAT is also home to a number of unique spaces and studios on campus that may be utilized for ICAT SEAD grant projects. This will be somewhere within the Creativity and Innovation District as needed and when available. For information about ICAT studios, please visit Please include requests for these spaces as part of your proposal document.
Proposals should involve two or more departments, preferably in different colleges, and address at least one of the following areas represented by the institute:
Amplifying the Arts
Art and technology continually define and redefine our world. The collision of art, technology, and experimentation drive innovation in all directions. These projects demonstrate how technology can advance artistic practice and how art and design can elevate and improve scientific discovery and output.
Making Big Discoveries with Immersive Technologies
Immersive technologies are changing the research landscape. These projects use visual design, 3D modeling, animation, programming, motion capture integration, and true 360-degree sound to open up entire new worlds of exploration and discovery.
Empowering Data
Pioneering new possibilities with data. Projects explore and present data in some unexpected and surprising ways, introducing new perspectives that can pave the way for life-changing discoveries.
Bridging Physical Distance
With the propagation of the COVID-19 pandemic, what was once a matter of convenience is now a requirement. These projects go far beyond videoconferencing software and include the use of augmented and virtual reality technologies to bring people from around the world together in shared immersive digital spaces to connect, learn, and experience.
Engaging Community
Science should be available to everyone. Research shouldn’t be hidden in labs and buried on computer hard drives. Interactive technology brings data to life and tells the stories of researchers and their work, while sculptures and other works of art show data and computational processes in unexpected, captivating, and often very accessible ways.
Reimagining Education
These projects create educational environments that prepare students to confidently enter a world requiring creativity, adaptability, and collaboration. This work is changing where students learn, what students learn, and how students learn.
Designing a More Sustainable World
Creativity that spurs change. This work supports our ecological and cultural resilience.
Creating the Future of Work
Advances in technology are changing the ways we work. From the aesthetics, functionality, and even physical locations of our workplaces to the ways we collaborate with our co-workers and communicate with our clients, these projects focus on efficiency, productivity, and value.
After you have entered your team data in the Google form, email a PDF copy of your submission, including cover page with all necessary signatures, to Melissa Wyers at by Midnight EST on February 3, 2025.
Please address each section in your proposal using Times New Roman 12 point font and standard margins. Proposals should be limited to five pages, including images but not the coversheet or references. Proposals received without cover sheet signatures will not be considered.
After you have completed the form, please email a PDF copy of your project proposal to Melissa Wyers by midnight on February 3, 2024.
Complete team information
- Principle Investigator name, email, and home department (this will be the primary contact person)
- Team member names, emails, and home departments
- Bios and expertise of team members unique to the project
- Current and pending funding of the PI(s)
- Space requests (if applicable)
- ICAT specialist request (if applicable)
- Detailed budget and budget justification
- Total budget request
- Budget justification and amounts requested for
- Student time
- Faculty salary time (can include summer salary)
- Equipment, including software requests
- Materials and supplies
Proposal Document (PDF submission to Melissa Wyers at
Please address each section in your proposal using Times New Roman 12 point font and standard margins. Proposal should be limited to five pages, including images. Coversheet and references are separate.
Statement of Need/ Project Description
- Listing of research areas involved
- Description of the challenge the team is looking to explore
- Linkage to ICAT mission and goals
- Vision of project impact
- Where project work will happen and whether technical resources from ICAT are needed
Methods and Strategies
- Describe the activities that will be conducted as part of your project
Goals and Objectives
- Describe the overall outcome your project aims to achieve
- Describe project outputs
- Describe plans for future funding, exhibition, etc.
Plan for Evaluating Project Success
- Describe how you will determine if your project has been successful
- Describe anticipated outcomes and deliverables
- Timeline should begin after July 1, 2025 and end by June 1, 2026.
- Complete and return coversheet
- Awarded funds will be available August 1, 2025 and transferred to the PI’s home department. All project expenses must be posted to Banner within 30 days of the project’s end date.
- Unspent funds must be transferred back to ICAT within 45 days of the project’s end date.
- Funds will not be awarded for conference travel or food.
- Funds can be used to buy out faculty time during the academic year or summer, pending home department approval.
The proposals will be reviewed by the institute director, associate director, and ICAT senior fellows, and then evaluated based on the following criteria:
- Intellectual merit and innovation
- Interdisciplinary nature of the team
- Correlation to the mission of ICAT and its studios
- Broader impact of the project
- Potential channels to advance the proposed research
- Timeline
- Clear outcome and deliverables
- Alignment with project categories and/or themes
After the proposals are reviewed, a member of the proposal team may be asked to make a brief presentation to the review committee.
Awards will be announced by Friday, March 25, 2024.