October 18 - 20, 2023

Open hours
- Wednesday, 10/18 - 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm
- Thursday, 10/19 until 7:30 pm
- Friday, 10/20, 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Admission to the exhibition is free.
Prompt/Generation is an exhibition that prompts people to think organically amid artificial intelligence. Its participatory experience invites visitors to respond, write on the walls, inscribe, react, move, and reflect on what individual words or “prompts” mean. This simple act of human definition through the generation of meaning at the smallest scale is simple yet profound.
While Prompt/Generation is a binary command: this prompt generates that response, it also describes a moment, an era defined by how humans move technology to action through the questions they ask.
We seek to immerse viewers in a stream of artificially generated language, all produced using large language models, with the hope that visitors will be inspired to add human definition to the flow. However small, this act is future-looking, a message in a bottle amid an ocean of all the words ever written on the Internet. The outcome of this exhibition will be a set of handwritten responses that illustrate the interests and insights of the Virginia Tech community.
This event is a collaboration between scholars at a2ru universities. Support provided by University of Maryland, ArtsforAll, and Virginia Tech’s ICAT .
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