Cube Fest 2020 — Call for High-Density Loudspeaker Array Music

Cube Fest 2020 — August 20-23, 2020
Call for High-Density Loudspeaker Array Music
Cube Fest 2020 invites submissions for multi-channel spatial music created for concert presentation on high-density loudspeaker arrays (HDLAs). We prefer that works submitted in this category be exclusively for audio systems, with no video component. Live performance for HDLA systems, including interaction with acoustic or electro-acoustic instruments, and visual elements, including video projection, can be accommodated in some cases.
Cube Fest 2020, while remaining open to the widest range of aesthetic possibilities, will bring a special focus to the theme of Afrofuturism in Immersive Music. As part of our programming, we will present a spatialized version of Sun Ra’s visionary Afrofuturist album “Space is the Place.” We encourage submissions that resonate with this year’s theme.
Works will be accepted in two separate categories:
- HDLA Music for the Cube (134.4.2 channel system)
- HDLA Music for Perform Studio (24.4 channel system)
Submission Requirements
Please submit your work in one of the following formats:
- Higher Order Ambisonics (HOA) encoded sound file, with format specifications.
- Mono stems for submissions to the Sounds in Focus concert in the Perform Studio. We will consider works for programming in the Perform studio for 8-channel or more speakers.
- Mono stems for the 134.4.2 Cube HDLA. Note: this is the maximum channel submission format. We will consider works for the Cube with channel counts of 25 and higher.
- Generative code for Max/MSP, Pd, or SuperCollider, configured with instructions for performance in either the Cube or Perform Studio.
We require a sampling rate of 48kHz for all submitted audio.
In order to fully explore the musical capabilities of these systems, we encourage submissions across the broadest range of musical practices, with no stylistic limitations.
All works submitted will be reviewed in multichannel form in either the Cube or the Perform Studio. Works will be evaluated in large part on the effectiveness of the spatial aspects of the work.
Please submit your proposal by February 15, 2020.