ICAT Playdate — Torgersen Bridge Projection
October 14, 2022
As part of the concluding festivities of Virginia Tech's sesquicentennial year, ICAT and University Relations are collaborating to create a celebratory projection event on Torgersen Hall bridge the weekend of Homecoming 2022 (Oct 14-16). VT's past, present, and future will be made larger than life as we take an audiovisual journey through history of the University—from Addison Caldwell's long walk to enroll as the first student in 1872, to the construction of the Virginia Tech Innovation Campus and beyond. Join the team in the CID LLC as they discuss what it took to produce the piece, and experience it yourself projected full-size.
- David Franusich, ICAT
- Ethan Candelario, Communications and Marketing
- October 14, 2022
- 8:30am EDT
Networking & Donuts at Community Assembly, Creativity and Innovation District LLC - 9am EDT
Presentation begins in the Community Assembly and 360 Online
Virginia Tech faculty can receive Professional Development Network (PDN) credit for attending
- Register at https://profdev.tlos.vt.edu/?query=playdate
- Check in with Phyllis Newbill during the event.