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Faculty Involvement

Faculty Involvement

ICAT creates opportunities for Virginia Tech faculty to explore new areas of transdisciplinary research, build new partnerships, and cross disciplinary boundaries. There are many ways for faculty members to be involved with ICAT as well as to receive funding and support for transdisciplinary research projects.

Particles in Progress

SEAD Grants

Since ICAT’s inception, the institute has provided funding to support grants that span science, engineering, arts, and design.

Research Leave

ICAT’s unique Research Leave Extension program provides up to an additional semester of funding for eligible faculty for research leave. During this time, faculty are able to spend additional time focused on an ICAT-related project.


ICAT is home to research studios in the Moss Arts Center, Newman Library, Media Building, and also oversees space in the Creativity + Innovation Live Learn Community

ICAT Experts

The ICAT team may be available to support or join project teams. This comes in the form of technical expertise in areas such as multimedia design and immersive audio.

Working with Companies

ICAT is uniquely suited to partnering with organizations/companies to advance new ideas and solutions. ICAT helps companies of all sizes explore ideas in low-risk, low-cost ways, customizing services to meet specific budgets, timelines, and desired outcomes. This includes collaboration from an ideation session to a full research session.

Grant Assistance

ICAT supports faculty in proposal development by helping to facilitate the submission process so faculty can focus on the research plan. This may include such things as helping to develop a proposal timeline, budget development, putting together support materials, editing, and submission.